The pride of any government is the attainment of higher value level of any development in such away that its citizens would derive natural attachment to governance. However, for a nation to be in a phase of development three must be some pre-requisites, which include socio-political and economic stability.
The gap between the developed and the developing countries is the static or narrow but is continually widening. A large majority of worlds’ population in developing world lives in a state of poverty. The problem of urban population, rural stagnation, unemployment and growing inequalities continue to face less developed countries which Nigeria belong. Hopes of accelerated development are difficult to realize. This glooming situation is of great concern to stack holders and they concern citizenry. Nigeria has not been able to engender meaningful development inspite of her huge resources endowment. This has greatly affected her quest to improved quality of life of her citizens. Poverty, unemployment and starvation still pervade the nook and cranny of the country.
Development is essential and critical to growth and sustenance of any country. In order to successfully enhance meaningful development, effective strategies must be evolved. Here we examine the trend of national development in Nigeria, and provides a workable method of approach to national development. The paper is further divide as follows. First, we introduce the study and clarify some key concepts. Next, we look briefly at some key concepts. Next we look briefly at some attempted development strategies in Nigeria and the problems of National development; then we examine briefly models of development across Asian continent. Finally, the concluding aspect provides recommendations based on the study of Asian model of development as a viable option for Nigeria national development aspirations.
One, basic infrastructure and social service which are taken for granted in many countries are pitiably bad or weak in Nigeria.
Two, the factors and conditions of production, particularly land, capital, infrastructure and services are very difficult to access thus leading to de-industrialization and the failure of manufacturing. This means that economic facilities are weak.
Three, the educational system apart from being a poor social service, lacks quality, paper orientation and quality.
Four, the health care delivery system at primary, secondary and tertiary level destroys than saves life. The phenomenon of bourgeois medicine has substantially commodified health care.
Five, agriculture, the highest contributor the Nigeria’s Gross Domestic product (GDP) at 40 percent and the highest employer of labour at 60 percent is under developed through neglect and poor policy administration.
Six, ethics and values which are the moral guide and glue of society have crashed to a level of negative transcendentalism, normlessness and criminality. The reward punishment system is weak and there is high moral decadence.
Seven, peace, social and protective security are perennially threatened at the societal and individual levels, due to a combination of identifiable social, economic, and political, factors, one of which is elite manipulation of socio-cultural differences or violence induced by politicians. Another is poor policing.
Eight, solid minerals which exist in abundance have been neglected or abandoned. That is to say prior to the discovery of solid minerals sustained the Nigerian economy.
Nine, there is phenomenal corruption at the level of politics and governance.
One, to make basic infrastructure and social service which are taken for granted in many countries accessible.
Two, to develop a global partnership for development.
Three, to make education standard in other to reduce illiteracy.
Four, to make health care standard and well equipped .
Five, to avert poverty.
Six, to improve agriculture and it’s products.
Seven, to promote peace and unity.
Eight, to reduce the rate of corruption at the level of politics and governance.